GO! Insect Repellent – Aerosol – 200ml


Product Description


Repels Mosquitoes And Other Biting Insects
For Adults And Kids Ages 2 And Up
Up To 8 Hours Of Protection
Size: 200ml (6.8 Fl. Oz.)

Active Ingredient: N.N. Diethyl-M-Toulamide (DEET) 14.25%

GO! Insect Repellent with DEET is available in 200ml aerosol cans and 6 oz. aluminum pump spray bottles. Features of GO! Insect Repellent

* Intended for use on the skin
* Non-greasy formula
* Will not stain clothes. Note: Do not use GO! on synthetic fabrics or leather.
* Provides up to eight (8) hours of protection against biting insects (perspiration or water will    remove repellent so reapplication is required to maintain protection)
* Sprays upside down
* Competitive pricing

Why Use Insect Repellent?

Insect bites are a nuisance and can cause itching and swelling. In some instances an insect can transmit diseases when it bites; some of these diseases are serious and can be fatal.

GO! Insect Repellent allows persons to play, work and relax outdoors without having to worry about being bitten.

For more information, visit www.usego.info